Кто такой Карлос Слим?

Миллиардер карлос слим элу: биография, состояние :: businessman.ru

Venus in Pisces and the Sun in Aquarius: his affectivity and seductiveness

In your chart, the Sun is in Aquarius and Venus, in Pisces. Aquarius’ ability to be amazed and enthused faces the peculiar sensitivity and the detachment of Venus in Pisces. Two antinomical modes are confronting: Aquarius’ optimism and idealism versus Pisces’ strange lucidity. Your Venusian sign highlights the extreme subtlety of your desires and emotions. Your sensitivity is elusive and you are not interested in basic and coarse relationships. You reject or you accept according to your intuition and not to the logic of a given situation. Aquarius is filled with amazement and displays a commendable idealism but Pisces quickly reminds of the fragile nature of all relationships. Love hangs by a thread. You must not forget that love is precarious because it may be detrimental to your balance. More than anyone, you refuse conventions. You are not interested in loves that offer no risk, no challenge and no future. The complexity of your affective behaviours may disconcert. They range from distance to amazement, from enthusiasm to refusal. You handle the art of paradoxes very skilfully. Love is never simple, unless it is drawing to its end. This zodiacal duet draws its strength from its ability to transform, to reinvent the rules of the game and to never let the current norms hamper the free flow of your sensitivity.

Compassion and self-sacrifice: you are fond of this romantic mode and you are willing to express your feelings, the intensity of which is unlimited, Carlos Slim Helъ. With excitement and imagination, you dream your amorous relationships as much as you actually live through them. The line between the concrete world and your huge hopes is so tenuous that you don’t know anymore where it is, although your particularly rich sensuality prompts you to experience your feelings concretely. You want to share communion and passion with your partner. The lyrical flights of your feelings break from your heart as waves that you do not attempt to control because they give you a real, almost voluptuous and carnal joy. You give a lot – sometimes too much – without reservation, almost without propriety, totally revealing your vulnerability during your amorous exchanges because you are sure of the quality and the might of your feelings: they are so powerful and overwhelming that you are aware that nothing can resist them.

Первый бизнес

В 1953-м скоропостижно уходит из жизни отец Карлоса.

В 1961-м Карлос получает диплом инженера, окончив в Мехико Национальный университет, и в 1965-ом приступает к созданию своей империи Grupo Carso.

В 1966-ом, в возрасте 26 лет, он создает агентство недвижимости, которое и послужило отличным стартом для будущего развития.

Вплоть до 80-го года Слим Элу приобретает несколько крупных предприятий и основывает собственные компании.

В 1982-ом Мексика погружается в финансовый кризис. Инвесторы стремительно выводят свои сбережения и покидают страну.

Что же делает в это время Карлос Слим? Он за бесценок приобретает крупные компании, акции которых резко упали в цене.

Наш герой далеко не первый, для кого кризис стал точкой подъема, в то время как остальные в панике «залегли на дно».


Carlos started building his fortune in the 1960s by becoming a stock trader, and in 1965 he had made enough for opening a stock brokerage Inversora Bursatil and purchased Jarritos del Sur, which is worth $40 million.

In the 1970s he ventured into dozens of businesses and established conglomerate of companies in various industries such as mining, real estate, construction, soft drink, airlines, paper and packaging, telecommunications, hotels, retail, financial services, cement, tobacco, mineral extraction among others under Grupo Carso.


In the 1980s, the Mexican economy contracted at alarming levels, and many companies struggled too, and this is where Carlos made a kill by buying these troubled assets at a low price and later reselling them at a profit, which is a business strategy he has employed to date. His portfolio of companies grew to the tobacco company, equipment company, real estate, retail stores, mining companies, and others.

Some of the companies Carlos invested in are Empresas Frisco, Compania Hulera Euzkadi, Seguros de Mexico, British American Tobacco, The Hershey Company, Telmex telephone company, among others. He invested in everything in Mexico until there was nothing else to invest in, and he decided to invest now overseas.

Some of the companies Carlos invested in overseas are Microsoft, CompUSA, OfficeMax, Cigatam tobacco company, New York Times Company, Ora TV, Telekom Austria, and many other companies.

Хозяин телекоммуникаций

Целых пять лет, последовавших за этой крупнейшей сделкой, Карлос наводил порядок в разросшихся делах. А в итоге – полностью реконструировал весь свой бизнес и успешно миновал очередной национальный дефолт в 1995 году. Его любимый Telmex, в результате, стал лидером в национальной экономике, обеспечив своему владельцу годовой доход в размере $1 млрд. А не привыкший почивать на лаврах, Слим присоединил к своей империи Condumex (телекоммуникационное оборудование) и Prodigy (первый национальный провайдер и веб-пионер). На самом стыке тысячелетий он инвестировал $1,5 млрд в американские фирмы, занимавшиеся эксплуатацией волоконно-оптических сетей и центров сотовой связи Флориды и Пуэрто-Рико. Со временем он стал полноправным хозяином телекоммуникаций всей Латинской Америки. Его называют мексиканским Биллом Гейтсом. На него трудится 200 тысяч человек. Он – крупный благотворитель. Имеет множество наград и званий. Он считает:

  • семья – это самое дорогое, что есть у человека;
  • богатство огородом, и делиться с другими следует не деревьями, но плодами;
  • что в стремлении изменить мир к лучшему, дабы дети были счастливы, лучше изменить детей, чтобы они затем послужили миру;
  • не плоди излишества, когда богат – и твой бизнес будет оставаться стабильным даже в трудные времена!



Slim has been publicly skeptical of The Giving Pledge by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett giving away at least half of their fortunes. But—according to his spokesman—he devoted US$4billion, or roughly 5%, to his Carlos Slim foundation as of 2011. Though Slim has not gone as far as Gates and Buffett in pledging more than half of his fortune, Slim has expressed firm support for philanthropy and has advised budding entrepreneurs that businessmen must do more than give‍—‌they “should participate in solving problems”.

In 2019, Forbes put Slim in the list of the world’s most generous philanthropists outside of the US.

Fundación Carlos Slim

Established in 1986, Fundación Carlos Slim  sponsors the Museo Soumaya in Mexico City, named after Slim’s late wife, Soumaya Domit, opened 2011. It holds 66,000 pieces, including religious relics, contains the world’s second-largest collection of Rodin sculptures, including The Kiss, the largest Salvador Dalí collection in Latin America, works by Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and coins from the viceroys of Spain. The inauguration in 2011 was attended by the President of Mexico, Nobel Prize laureates, writers and other celebrities.

After stating that he had donated US$4billion of dividends to Fundación Carlos Slim, US$2billion in 2006, and another US$2billion in 2010, Slim was ranked fifth in Forbes’ World’s Biggest Givers in May 2011. Education and health care projects have included $100 million to perform 50,000 cataract surgeries in Peru.

Fundación Telmex

In 1995, Slim established Fundación Telmex, a broad-ranging philanthropic foundation, which as he announced in 2007 had been provided with an asset base of US$4billion to establish Carso Institutes for Health, Sports and Education. Furthermore, it was to work in support of an initiative of Bill Clinton to aid the people of Latin America. The foundation has organized Copa Telmex, an amateur sports tournament, recognized in 2007 and 2008 by Guinness World Records as having the most participants of any such tournament in the world. Together with Fundación Carlos Slim Helú, Telmex announced in 2008 that it was to invest more than US$250million in Mexican sports programs, from grass-roots level to Olympic standard. Telmex sponsored the Sauber F1 team for the 2011 season. Telmex donated at least $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Fundación del Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México A.C.

Slim has been Chair of the Council for the Restoration of the Historic Downtown of Mexico City since 2001.

In 2011, he, along with the president of Mexico, Mexico City mayor, and Mexico City archbishop, inaugurated the first phase of Plaza Mariana close to Basilica de Guadalupe. The complex, whose construction was funded by Slim, includes an evangelization center, museum, columbarium, health center, and market.

Family and personal life

Slim’s father, Khalil Salim Haddad Aglamaz, was born on 17 July 1888 in Jezzine, Lebanon (then part of the Ottoman Empire). In 1902, at the age of 14, Haddad emigrated to Mexico alone, and later changed his name to Julián Slim Haddad. It was not uncommon for Lebanese children to be sent abroad before they reached the age of 15 to avoid being conscripted into the Ottoman Army, and four of Haddad’s older brothers were already living in Mexico at the time of his arrival.

In 1911, Julián established a dry goods retail store, La Estrella de Oriente (The Star of the Orient). By 1921, he had begun investing in real estate in the flourishing commercial district of Mexico City where Julián acquired prime Mexican real estate at fire sale prices and in the Zocalo District during the 1910–17 Mexican Revolution. By 1922, Julián’s net worth reached $1,012,258 , shrewdly diversified among a vast array of various cash flow-producing assets that included large swathes of investment-grade real estate, a multifarious assemblage of privately-controlled businesses, and stocks.

In August 1926, Julián Slim married Linda Helú Atta. Linda, of Lebanese ancestry, was born in Parral, Chihuahua. Her parents had immigrated to Mexico from Lebanon in the late 19th century. Upon immigrating to Mexico, her parents founded one of the first Arabic-language magazines for the Lebanese-Mexican community, using a printing press they had brought with them. Julian and Linda had six children: Nour, Alma, Julián, José, Carlos, and Linda. Julián senior died in 1953, when Carlos was 13 years old.

Julian’s panoply of successful business ventures and investment undertakings became the source of considerable wealth for himself and his family. As a prominent businessman and wealthy investor who remained a reputable pillar within the Lebanese Mexican community, Julian was known for his shrewd business acumen and his astute knack when making investments during bad economic cycles (which occurred frequently in Mexico). Julián was known for his business savvy, strong work ethic, and commitment to traditional Lebanese moral values.

In February 2011, Julian, the oldest brother of Carlos, died aged 74. He was an active businessman and worked in one of Mexico’s top intelligence agencies.

Personal life

Carlos Slim was married to Soumaya Domit from 1967 until her death in 1999. Among her interests were various philanthropic projects. Slim has six children: Carlos, Marco Antonio, Patrick, Soumaya, Vanessa, and Johanna. His three older sons serve in key positions in the companies controlled by Slim where most are involved in the day-to-day running of Slim’s business empire. Slim underwent heart surgery in 1999. In high school, Slim’s favorite subjects were history, cosmography, and mathematics. Slim and his wife had a very happy marriage, and he indicated that he does not intend to remarry.

In his office, Slim does not have a computer, and instead keeps all his financial data in hand-written notebooks. Due to the vast size of his business empire, he often jokes that he cannot keep track of all the companies he manages. Slim is a Maronite Catholic, and he is one of the prominent backers of Legion of Christ, a Roman Catholic religious institute.

Начало истории

Карлос Слим родился 28 января 1940-го в Мехико. Он был одним из 6 детей в семье ливанского беженца и дочери торговца.

Его отец – Хулиан Слим – прибыл в Мексику в 1902-ом, дабы избежать службы в Османской армии. Занялся риэлтерским делом, приобрел недвижимость в престижной части города и позже открыл компанию по продаже бакалейных товаров.

Хулиан всячески старался воспитать в своих детях деловую хватку, способность грамотно обращаться с деньгами и зарабатывать их.

С раннего детства все шестеро детей предпринимателя трудились в универсаме отца. От них он требовал преданности и усердия, а взамен выдавал неплохие карманные деньги и учил ими «управлять».

Таким образом, сбережения прочно вошли в жизнь юного Карлоса, и уже в 12 лет он получил свой первый опыт в инвестициях, открыв счет для покупки акций Banco Nacional de México.

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